Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My First Piece of Furniture

Okay, so I didn't actually make this hutch, but I did do the paint job. I love Michael's hutches, but I think they stopped carrying them. At least at the Michael's by me. Anyway, I think it turned out rather shabby and it will go perfectly in the Cherry Cottage Boutique. I love the crystal knobs that I made out of swarovski crystals with pink paint in them. I also made the lotion jars on the hutch, out of beads and paint. They have mini little vintage lotion labels as well. I made the little boxes too, but I haven't labeled them. I have to come up with something to put in them first. The tinsel tree I also made, but I can't remember where I got the idea. I think I'll make it a little fuller though, next time around. I need more branches for cute ornaments. I've got plenty of space to fill in just this hutch. Better get to work.

This shows where it will be placed in the Cherry Cottage Boutique


  1. Has hecho un fantastico trabajo con ese mueble.
    Ahora solo te queda lo divertido decorar.
    besitos ascension

  2. Its beautiful I love what you did to it.
    Hugs Maria
