Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Shabby Cottage- The Orchid by Greenleaf

So this is my Cherry Cottage Boutique and the third in my dollhouse lineup. It's the Orchid by Greenleaf kit. And this kit also makes my fourth dollhouse as well. I bought two of the kits, knowing right away that I wanted to make one into this boutique. The other I'm still not sure about. I thought about a witch's cottage for Halloween, or maybe a Christmas house. We shall see.

As usual, it's not quite finished. Shingles seem to intimidate me. I don't know why, but it's the part I procrastinate. I think it needs one more coat of paint. I couldn't tell that until seeing it on camera. I might paint the door white. Not sure if the green is the look I'm going for.

You can see that the floor sags. I need to put some pillars in the middle to hold it up. I plan on having a glass counter with goodies in it, where customers also check out. I will have two to three different hutches full of wonderful little minis, and then I will also have a little table with two chairs, so tiny people can eat the yummy desserts available in my boutique. Upstairs will be the owner's office and a place to sleep in the little alcove over the porch. It will also have a bathroom.


  1. Hola Cristina, acabo de encontrar tu blog, he invitado a unas amigas, la casa está quedando hermosa!
    Un abrazo

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. I'm excited to join the miniature world. :)

  2. Hi Cristina! Rosamargarita invited me to check out your blog! Looks like there's fun happening over here--that's what I like. I'm building a couple of Greenleaf kits myself right now. One is my Lovers Cottage, which is really fun. I'm so glad I found your blog today! :-) Jennifer

    1. Thank you. I'm excited to join the miniature world and am now a follower of your blog as well. :)

  3. Hello Cristina, Rosamargarita invited me too to check out your blog. RosaM's recommendations are always good. I like your blog and am now your new follower.

    1. Thank you. I'm a follower of your blog as well. You are very talented. I'm excited to join the miniature world. :)

  4. Hola Cristina! Rosamargarita me ha descubierto tu blog, y estoy muy contenta de conocerte...ya soy seguidora..Tu casa vá a quedar muy bonita...Un beso.

  5. Hello Cristina :) Welcome to blog land Its a wonderful place to be. I am looking forward to following your progress.
    Hugs Maria

  6. I was invited by Rosamargarita to know your blog and I loved it. Now I am a follower. ;D

  7. I've been looking at this kit, too. I love your wallpaper choices. Oh, I don't like doing shingles, either, but I discovered a quick and effective way to shingle recently. Inexpensive sand paper can be cut into strips and then shingle sized slits cut into the strips to form rows of shingles. They go on quickly and the sandpaper is the perfect texture for modern asphalt shingles. Good luck!

  8. hey there I have an orchid kit too and I loved your corner cabinet on the ground floor, as my doll house is a cake shop I'll fill it with cakes so I can fill the glass counters I bought with cupcakes and cookies : >
    keep up the good work
