Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Okay, so I know there are a lot of dollhouse blogs out there (I've been stalking them for months), but I felt a need to make my own. I have been a dollhouse guru since I was about 8 years old, when I built my first dollhouse out of clay in my second grade art class. After that, I built several dollhouses out of cardboard boxes that I begged my brother to bring home from his work. My parents finally gave me my first real dollhouse kit for Christmas at the age of 14. You think they would have caught on sooner. Better late than never. You're never too old for a dollhouse, luckily :). Miniatures combine my passion for architecture and creating. I thought about being an architect at one point, but am satisfied with the occasional house design, and my dollhouses. I have six dollhouses as of right now and my husband is forbidding me to buy another one until I finish them. I think that's a good thing. I credit my love of dollhouses to my aunt who had her own dollhouse that she built from scratch. I loved playing with it whenever we visited her.

So, welcome to my blog, and in the next few posts, I shall introduce my dollhouses.

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