Friday, March 23, 2012

I made a chair!

I have this thing for shabby wing chairs, or really any wing chair. Anyway, I decided that I need a pattern so I can make one any time I want. I sat down with some cardboard, paper, glue, and left over fabric from another project, and started cutting. Oh yeah, I also had some batting. This is what I came up with. Although I think it turned out adorable, I can now see what adjustments need to be made to the pattern I created. I think I'll make the arms a little more fuller, and make them a little less dramatically curved. Other than that, I absolutely love the chair. I didn't realize how cute the polka dots would be. It's not the kind of shabby I'm going for, for this house, but I staged it here anyway. I hope to make one for this room that is completely white. Maybe I'll do that today. :)

Sorry the chair is a little blurry. The camera seemed to want to focus on the fireplace.


  1. Hi Christina! Your chair is beautiful and lovely! It's a wonderful job! A hug!

  2. Gorgeous! Polka dots never date...well done!

  3. Great job! I LOVE your little shabby chair! It would look adorable in my Cupcake Cottage. I'll have to try making furniture too! :-) Jennifer

  4. This chair is wonderful. I like the fabric.
    Bye Faby

  5. Beautiful chair, very adorable!

  6. Cristina gracia por tu alegro que te gusten mis fundas...eres mi primera seguidora en ingles...y aunque no lo hablo todo lo bien que quisiera lo entiendo más o menos...para escribirte voy a usar el se que traducira...
    me encantan tus miniaturas...y esos colgantes tan originales que tienes a la venta...

    Cristina thank for the visit ... I'm glad you like my covers are my first follower ... in English ... and although I do not speak as well as they would like to understand more or less ... I use to write the translator ... not to translate ...
    I love your models ... and those hanging so original that you have for sale ...
