Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I won!

The chances of actually winning a giveaway can't be that big, considering so many people participate. But I actually won a giveaway! And a fabulous one at that. I love little miniature flowers, and the ones Blanca made are so lovely and detailed. I have so many places I can put them, and absolutely can't wait to receive them. It is so nice of her to give these away, and I'm so thrilled to be the lucky recipient. Yea for wonderful giveaways! Knowing how excited I am to have won, I will definitely have to do a giveaway for someone else. Maybe when I reach 100 followers (if I ever get there :)). Thank you so much Blanca. I can't wait to receive them!


  1. What a lovely prize well done on winning them! x

  2. Congratulations!!! Isn't winning something so beautiful fun?! :-) Jennifer
